Local Youth Programs Getting FFA Grants

Jefferson City, Mo. (KFMO) - Missouri Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn is announcing youth groups from across Missouri are being awarded community service project grants from the Missouri Department of Agriculture's 2025 Building Our American Communities grant program, and several of them are from the Parkland.

The local FFA organizations getting grant monies include the Fredericktown and Ste. Genevieve Chapters, while the 4H groups include the Ste. Genevieve Small Animal 4-H Club of Perryville and the Paton 4-H Club of Marquand.

Each of the 2025 awardees will receive $500 toward their projects, which may include upgrades or additions to existing facilities, grounds or buildings, such as fairgrounds, parks or community centers used by local organizations.

Eleven local chapters of the National FFA Organization and nine Missouri 4-H clubs statewide have been awarded funds for their community service projects this year. 4-H clubs and FFA chapters awarded grants this year must complete their projects no later than August 1, 2025.


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